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All Brain Chiropractors Dr. Harrington Dr. Kunsman Dr. Staton Education Events Exercise Kinesiology Taping K-Tape Natural Health Nutrition Posture Seniors Sleep Stretches Tips
All Brain Chiropractors Dr. Harrington Dr. Kunsman Dr. Staton Education Events Exercise Kinesiology Taping K-Tape Natural Health Nutrition Posture Seniors Sleep Stretches Tips
We’ll get to the meat and potatoes of this first then I’ll tell the story behind this article and why I wanted to share it with as many people as I could.
A study was done over the course of 21 years to find out what were the best things people could do to reduce the risk of Dementia and Alzheimer’s. 21 years!!! It takes an incredible amount of effort and focus for me to sit down and finish a book but somehow these people had enough OCD tendencies to focus on one study for over two decades! The study included senior citizens, 75 and older, and was led by the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City, it was funded by the National Institute on Aging, and was published in the New England Journal of Medicine. In other words, it’s good stuff. The study wanted to see if any activity (physical or mental) benefited the brain long-term and potentially prevented the onset of Dementia and Alzheimer’s. Here were the 3 major things the study found to help you have a better brain:
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