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All Brain Chiropractors Dr. Harrington Dr. Kunsman Dr. Staton Education Events Exercise Kinesiology Taping K-Tape Natural Health Nutrition Posture Seniors Sleep Stretches Tips
All Brain Chiropractors Dr. Harrington Dr. Kunsman Dr. Staton Education Events Exercise Kinesiology Taping K-Tape Natural Health Nutrition Posture Seniors Sleep Stretches Tips
Have you ever been stuck on a long car ride and couldn't stand up all the way straight once you got out? These stretches can help alleviate some of the tension as we move into road trip season. The hip flexors are a deep muscle group lying on the front of the spine and attach on the front of the hip (femur). Because of their location, they can refer pain into the low back and even create some tingling of the front of the thigh when really tight. Prolonged sitting while driving or working at your desk are the most common causes of tightness in this region. Therefore, we want to do the opposite and open up the hip while standing or lying as illustrated in. Please contact our Chiropractors if you have any questions about the best stretches for you. Hip Flexor/Psoas Stretch Standing
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