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All Brain Chiropractors Dr. Harrington Dr. Kunsman Dr. Staton Education Events Exercise Kinesiology Taping K-Tape Natural Health Nutrition Posture Seniors Sleep Stretches Tips
All Brain Chiropractors Dr. Harrington Dr. Kunsman Dr. Staton Education Events Exercise Kinesiology Taping K-Tape Natural Health Nutrition Posture Seniors Sleep Stretches Tips
Part 1 in a series of articles featuring recommended stretches by our Chiropractors. For our folks suffering from chronic muscle tension in the neck and shoulders or are trying to improve their posture, these are the stretches for you! Whether we are sitting behind a screen all day, driving, or studying, we find ourselves constantly rounded forward creating a lot of tension in the upper body. This poor posture can lead to muscle tightness and even headaches. It is also very common for us to carry our stress in our shoulders, causing them to rise up towards our ears. Below you will find some great options to help bring the head back over the shoulders and relieve muscle tension throughout the day. Please contact our Chiropractors if you have any questions about the best stretches for you.
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