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All Brain Chiropractors Dr. Harrington Dr. Kunsman Dr. Staton Education Events Exercise Kinesiology Taping K-Tape Natural Health Nutrition Posture Seniors Sleep Stretches Tips
All Brain Chiropractors Dr. Harrington Dr. Kunsman Dr. Staton Education Events Exercise Kinesiology Taping K-Tape Natural Health Nutrition Posture Seniors Sleep Stretches Tips
The recent small-scale studies have been comparing chronic migraine sufferers with an average of 7.9 migraine headache days per month to different light exposures, specifically white LED and green LED light, the green LED had a specific wavelength of 525 nanometers. The white light showed no significant change in headache frequency, but the green LED groups saw a reduction in the number of headache days from 7.9 to 2.4. Participants would use the light for 1-2 hours per day in a dark room and were encouraged to participate in whatever activities the lighting allowed; reading, playing music, exercising, etc...
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